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Exclusive Interview with Chief Dr. Innocent Ekeh

By admin on December 14, 2019
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What inspires you to do what you are doing and what value is important to you?
I really believe that life is a mission, and because the mission is so short, every day is a day to accomplish something while you are here and for me why we are here is to cultivate the earth, harvest and share it to the children of the earth.
Nobody takes anything home. I’m a religious person and I believe that the best way one can serve God is to serve your neighbor. So I believe in helping somebody, helping somebody, helping everyone is my intent, and my objectives are that everybody should live a full life.

A great example is my foundation, Prof Inno Ekeh Foundation. I have employees in Nigeria who are managing the operation of the foundation in Nigeria. We are helping the sick, we are helping feed the hungry, we are helping the children to get a better education and we are helping the community to live a better life. That’s our objective. We believe that if you can help one person who would not otherwise live a full productive life to have a productive life, then the mission is accomplished.
So how do you feel when you do give or donate?

How I feel when I donate or give is a sense of accomplishment. W hen you set up an amazing journey and you reach that destination or you are on the road, every mile you take gives you a sense of advancement in the very objective to the destination. So it is a sense of accomplishment.

A lot of people hold you in high regard as someone who gives abundantly, do you think it is
because you are the richest or because you feel it is the right thing to do?
Giving is not a function of having, giving is a function of sharing – if you will not share $10, you will not share $1,000.
When you give or donate, it doesn’t mean that you have excess. It doesn’t mean that you have it abundant or you have accomplished your goals and solved all your problems.

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